Hello, Joyful Learners!


Curious what sets Joyful Education apart? We're excited to share why it's more than just mastering English! It's about creating a love for the diverse cultures and sparking creativity, all through engaging activities.

Adventures Beyond the Classroom: Cebu Awaits!

Cebu isn't just an English learning haven; it's a family adventure zone! Whether your child craves relaxation, thrills, or retail therapy, Cebu offers endless experiences to make lasting memories.

Here's a taste of what awaits:

  • Luxurious Pampering: Spoil yourselves at nearby resorts like Plantation Bay. Dive into crystal-clear waters, explore on island cruises, or conquer your fear of heights with wall climbing! Relaxation options like archery, tennis, and stunning pools are also on the menu.

  • Thrill-Seeking Fun: Calling all adrenaline junkies! Jpark boasts exhilarating water slides and other exciting attractions, guaranteed to get your heart racing.

  • Shopaholic's Paradise: The academy is conveniently located near a variety of shops, perfect for grabbing souvenirs or indulging in a retail fix. For a truly unforgettable shopping spree, luxurious malls in Cebu City await!

  • Beachside Bliss: Just a 5-minute stroll away, a beautiful beach beckons. Unwind on the sand, soak up the sun, and build sandcastles with your little ones.

Wednesdays Get Cultural!

Our "Cultural Wednesdays" ignite students' curiosity about the world. Through engaging games, they explore different countries and test their knowledge. They also delve into Filipino culture by learning the lively folk dance "Tinikling." To showcase global unity, students get creative by crafting posters that celebrate the beauty of different cultures.

Sparkling Creativity with Scrapbooking

Art class at Joyful Education is more than just making masterpieces; it's about nurturing emotional well-being and fostering English skills. Students unleash their inner artist and practice writing through captivating journal entries and scrapbook projects.